Elbow: Lateral Ligament Repair Rehabilitation Protocol
Physiotherapy exercises recommended for 4- 6 x per day pending swelling
Below is the standard regime. For slow protocol patients time frames will be delayed
Phase 1: 0 – 14 days post operatively
On Surgical Day 0-1
Cryotherapy, elevation, analgesia. Function in splint and sling
Initial exercises
Hand and shoulder gentle range of motion exercises
At 14 days – 8 weeks post operatively
Change from splint to range of motion brace locked in 90 degrees with full free flexion range.
Phase 1 training
Reduce swelling at the elbow. Wound healing, Full range of motion by week 8 post operatively
Lying supine perform passive range of motion exercises assisted with contralateral non injured hand
Range of motion brace locked from 90 degrees with free flexion
o Lying supine and stabilising with non-injured hand
o Elbow in pronation position - range of motion exercises
Increase to 70 degrees at 3 weeks
Increase to 40 degrees at 4 weeks – begin gentle
Increase to 20 degrees at 5 weeks
o Increase to full extension at 6 weeks - begin active range of motion and gentle supination
Avoid full supination in extension until earliest week 8 post operatively
Phase 2 : 8 - 12 weeks post operatively
Attain full range of motion, try to aim to normal ADLs (Activities of Daily Living). Increase muscle strength and function.
Continue range of motion exercises
Begin gentle graduated loaded strength program start at 250g from week 8
No loading greater than 2kgs before 10 weeks post operatively
o Must avoid all varus loading until after week 12
Criteria to move to the next phase: Near full range of motion, no swelling or pain, good muscular control, and strength
Phase 3: From a minimum of 12 weeks post-operative to 6 months post-operatively
Achieve full range of motion, increase muscle control, and increase loading
Increase loading as tolerated
o Particular attention to wrist extensor musculature
Continue with range of motion exercises including full extension
Phase 4: 6 - 12 month post-operatively
Return to sporting and work activity
Strength training
Sport specific and activity of daily living specific training
Criteria for return to sport: No swelling or pain with training activities
Isokinetic strength testing >90% (95% for contact sports) compared with the non-injured side.
Recommend waiting to 9 – 12 months to return to contact or loaded sporting activity to minimise the risk of re injury.