
Dr Damian Mansour

BMed BAppSc FRACS Orthopaedic Surgery

Damian is an Australian qualified orthopaedic surgeon accredited by the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and the Australian Orthopaedic Association.

Attending medical school at the University of Newcastle, Damian has studied, trained and worked in Hunter New England and has serviced the area throughout his career.

He has advanced his skills and knowledge achieving a fellowship in Sports Orthopaedic Trauma Surgery in Oslo, Norway. Working at the Olympiatoppen facility treating elite Olympic and national team athletes, at the Oslo University Hospital in the Sports and Arthroscopy department and at the Norwegian School of Sports Sciences.

He has two additional extended fellowships in elbow and shoulder surgery in the treatment of sports injuries and arthritis completed locally and in Europe.

When not in the clinic or operating theatre you will likely find him with his family out at his local surf break in Bar Beach, Newcastle or training at the local gym.

Damian’s own love of sport and fitness drives his philosophy to treat and work towards returning active people and sports folk to the activities that they love and compete in.

A proud member of the local community, Damian is very happy to be able to offer his orthopaedic services to the people of his home and its surrounds.

Care for orthopaedic injuries including arthroscopic surgery for injury and conditions of the Shoulder, Elbow & Knee. Dr Mansour is trained in sports orthopaedic and orthopaedic trauma surgery and offers non-operative additional therapies including PRP, corticosteroids and Hyaluronic Acid injections.

Shoulder Conditions

  • AC (acromioclavicular) joint injuries

  • Clavicle fractures

  • Shoulder dislocations and instability

  • Rotator cuff injuries

  • Biceps tendonitis

  • Humeral fractures

  • Pectoralis Major ruptures

Elbow Conditions

  • Elbow instability and ligament injuries

  • Loss of range of motion

  • Tennis elbow

  • Fractures of the elbow

  • Biceps ruptures (distal and proximal)

  • Loose bodies

  • Cubital tunnel,Radial Tunnel and Carpal Tunnel Syndromes

Knee Conditions

  • Patella instability

  • Ligament injuries (ACL, collateral ligaments)

  • Meniscal injuries

  • Cartilage injuries

  • Fractures about the knee

  • Maintenance of the post sporting early arthritic joint


  • Bachelor of Applied Sciences University of Sydney 2000

  • Bachelor of Medicine University of Newcastle 2007

  • Fellow Of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Orthopaedic Surgery 2020

  • Fellowship in Sports Orthopaedic Trauma Surgery Oslo University Hospital, University of Oslo 2021