Anterior Shoulder Stabilisation Rehabilitation Protocol
Immobilisation of the shoulder joint in a broad arm sling for 6 weeks 24 hours per day.
Shoulder abduction and flexion to maximum 60 degrees, external rotation to 0 degrees in the first 6 weeks post operatively
All motion is done as active – No passive stretching.
Thigh to eye range as a guide.
Gentle passive range of motion may begin after 6 weeks
Light loading from 8 – 10 weeks post operatively
No strength training or heavy lifting for minimum 12 weeks postoperatively
Gradual return to sporting activity at 6 months post operative for contact and throwing sports
Patients should have a grasp of exercises and use of sling and simple ADL functions prior to discharge home
Aim to get early control of shoulder girdle and periscapular muscles
Light pendular and rotation exercises within range of motion limits
Circulation exercises
Do exercises 4 - 6 x per day
Aim for a relaxed exercises to avoid tension about the shoulder and neck
Cryotherapy for 20 minutes up to 4 x per day initially
At 2 and 6 week follow up
Wound review
Check pain levels
Observe simple ADLs
Range of motion in flexion, abduction and rotation should be measured
Check control of shoulder girdle and periscapular muscles
Phase 1: 0 - 6 weeks
Focus on gentle range of motion, good circulation, and posture
Daily active exercises. Careful pendular exercises. Active elbow flexion and extension, hand circulation exercises and scapular muscle activation
Active range of motion exercises done gently with limits: abduction 60 degrees, flexion 60 degrees and external rotation 0 degrees until week 6
Scapular setting and control exercises
Use of cryotherapy for swelling reduction 20 minutes up to 4 x daily
Relaxation and posture exercises to reduce tension in the neck and shoulder girdle
Criteria to move to the next phase
Near non tender, near pain free for all movements, achieve range of motion as stipulated above (60/60/0). Scapulohumeral rhythm control.
Phase 2 : From 6 weeks post-operatively up to 12 weeks
Increase range of motion (free range of motion within pain limits), scapulohumeral rhythm control, gradual increased activation of shoulder girdle musculature
Active assisted shoulder range of motion exercises for flexion, abduction, internal and external rotation – focus on good quality motion
Scapular mobility exercises
Periscapular strengthening exercises
May begin gentle passive range of motion from 8 weeks post-operative
o Strictly avoiding passive external rotation
Begin light isometric flexed elbow rotator cuff strengthening
Dynamic strengthening from 8 – 10 weeks post-operative
Active theraband exercises from week 10: check for good scapulohumeral rhythm
o Eccentric strengthening first with Assisted concentric motion
o Add in concentric training once good control achieved
Criteria to enter phase 3
Near full range of motion with good quality, little or no pain, good scapulohumeral rhythm and control
Phase 3: From 12 weeks onwards
Can begin focused joint stretching and mobilisation from week 12 if range of motion is not optimal
o Avoid passive external rotation stretching and external rotation in abduction stretching
- If these ranges are suboptimal, please contact me for planning
Strength for scapulothoracic musculature and shoulder musculature
Aim for normal active and passive range of motion
Functional training and strengthening
o Begin with focused retraining to sporting activities in low velocity manner
o Strengthening throughout range
o Open and closed chain exercises
Proprioceptive training under load
Criteria for moving to next phase
Full active range of motion. Little to no pain, good scapulohumeral rhythm and muscular control
Phase 4: Approximately 4 - 6 months
Return to sporting activities
ADLs, work and sports specific training
Increase muscle strength, power, and stamina
Maintain full range of motion
Sport specific exercises
Avoid contact and high velocity overhead exercises until power returns to 90 – 95% of contralateral side.
o Functional and specific training in the interim to prepare for this activity
Recommend avoidance of contact and high velocity overhead activities until 6 months post operatively
Approximately 4 - 6 months with focused training for non-contact and non overhead sporting activities
Approximately 6 months for contact and overhead sporting activities
NB please consult with me if aiming for earlier sporting events than the above guidelines
Criteria for return to sport
Full range of motion. No pain with activity. Good muscular control.
Strength test 90% compared to uninjured side. 95% for contact and overhead / throwing sports
Constant score > 90% compared to uninjured side